Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Driving in Nairobi these are tricks to learn

If you cannot avoid driving in Nairobi, you need to learn some survival skills on the road. Before I completed driving lessons, I used to dread the day I will be on my own. I knew that it will be completely impossible for me to make the sudden moves used to avoid collisions in a bid to get to a junction first, swerve from Matatus (mini buses).

There are some rules in Nairobi City to enable you adjust to the adjusting driving conditions:

  1. Rules change it’s not the same for each road.
  2. Rules enforcement changes, speed limit is 50kph but when there is no police, it goes all the way up. Put up with horns, curses and raised fingers at you if you have to keep to the 50kph.
  3. Roads change; your usual route might be closed today.
  4. Know the program for residing and visiting dignitaries such as the president and prime minister. Roads can be closed one hour before come and one hour after they have left.
  5. Learn all the official and unofficial routes along your way.
  6. Keep a tab of social media – it sure proves helpful if you are in doubt.