Friday, May 22, 2009


Do wonder whether your backyard can feed you with the vegetables that you require? A 5ft by 9ft garden is all you need. Just following the tips given here, life can take on a new meaning in your home. Children will get meaniful activities and your kitchen will not lack.
The secret is to till an area that you can manage – give enough manure, water and all the care it requires. You need to have necessary garden tools – a hoe with more that 6inch blade/(s), shovel and wheelbarrow.
If you have not grown your own seedlings – sukumawiki or spinach, these are readily available in a local market. However it ispossible to raise a seed bed in an open box and have the seedlings ready at the time of transplanting.
First the garden ground need to be dug double – that means going 9inch deep into the soil. This creates aeration and increased room for root development and water penetration and storage.
The you need to give the area an equivalent of 9wheelbarrows of manure. Mix well with the soil. Then add and mix about a wheelbarrow of wood ash. This eliminate some worms and provides the crops with calcium, magnesium and phosphorous.
Shape and level the prepared soil-manure-ash mixture. This will be elevated above the normal ground by more than six inches. Compact the sides to prevent the soil from being carried away by water.
The garden is ready. Now plant your vegetables with a 8 to 12 inch spacing. Water the seedlings to enable them hold.For susequent days, each plant requires a cup of water when there is no rain. The whole plot will then take about 20litres of water. Is this not affordable?

Empower Others to Get Empowered

Is it true that to get what you want, you should help others get it first. I have seen this come true in the last couple of weeks. I have been mentored since August of 2008 in Biblical Principles by Haron Wachira, a man of great potential and achievements. Ideas have popped up and I can't wait to see others empowered.

Last week we held a two-day seminar in village training on entrepreneurship to a group of people with limited level of education. Amazingly most have engaged in one form of small business or other. They are amazed at how much they can earn in one yet not keep a single cent.

I believe that perversity is mostly in the mind. Because they have never thought that they can save up to do something bigger and better, most people still remain where they began or worse. I challenged this group of about 50 to consider putting a 20% of their income aside. Life might not be easy but no one will die. Is there?

It is the case for all of us. We prefer to borrow instead of save. It is much easier to get the large sums without sweat. This is the culture I look forward to see developed amongst peoples.
As the problems that face society concern me, I have noticed resources that the right resources are coming. I have met staff of Aqua Clara International that assists in building water filters. I have now built two for demonstration to groups.

We trained them in simple technologies such as making a water filter, high yield kitchen gardens, making of fireless cooker and baking of cassava cakes. I will write about this later.
Haron Wachira has been an inspiration in dealing with talks and networks. He has a passion for what he does. I believe the future holds great promises for the people that we will interact with.